Photos from the Conference

Here are some initial photos from the spring 2011 conference at beautiful Connecticut College in New London, CT. For more photos of NERALLT events, check out the NERALLT tag on Flickr.

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Here are some initial photos from the spring 2011 conference at beautiful Connecticut College in New London, CT. For more photos of NERALLT events, check out the NERALLT tag on Flickr.
NERALLT 2011 Spring Conference
Pedagogy and Technology: Collaboration between Language Faculty and Instructional Technologists in the 21st Century
When: March 24-25, 2011 (Presentations to be held on March 25th)
Where: Connecticut College
Online Registration:
Conference Program:
Lodging Information:
I look forward to meeting all of you at the conference.
John H. Graves
NERALLT Program Coordinator