2011 Fall Conference

21st Century Skills Map for World Languages: Technologies in Support of 21st Century Language Learning

Union College, Schenectady, NY — October 13–14, 2011

Keynote: Thomas Sauer, “WITH, THROUGH and DESPITE Technology - Making Language Learning an Essential 21st Century Skill”

Thomas Sauer (@tmsaue1)Thomas Sauer, Keynote Speaker is currently the World Language Specialist for Jefferson County Public Schools (Louisville, KY),  having taught German face-to-face at the University of Kentucky and Georgetown College and through distance learning at Kentucky Educational Television. Always looking for new ways to learn with and from teachers, Thomas has worked for the Kentucky Department of Education Foreign Language Teachers Academies, directed the Kentucky World Language Teacher Network, and presents frequently at state, regional, and national conferences. He has directed a variety of state and federal grants, most recently as program consultant for several successful STARTALK programs. Thomas has served as President of the Kentucky World Language Association as well as on the Board of the National Association of District Supervisors of Foreign Languages and the Central States Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. Named a "Global Visionary" by the World Affairs Council of Kentucky & Southern Indiana in 2010, he has turned his attention to using a global professional learning network (PLN) to work on his new passions: technology integration, making the shift from teaching to learning, 21st Century skills and literacies, and bringing transparency to educational institutions.

2011 Fall Conference Program


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