Fall Conference Program


   Yale Center for Language Study (CLS)

370 Temple St. 

New Haven, CT


 All events will take place in Room 100 of the CLS


Friday October 18

1:00-2:00 Registration - Lobby Yale CLS

2:00 Opening - NERALLT President:  Jean Janecki and Conference Host

2:15-3:45 Workshop: If Genes Could Talk: Teaching Video-Mediated Listening in the Multiliteracies Framework (Simon Zuberek, Columbia University)

3:45-4:00 Break

4:00-4:45 Lightning Round and Discussion 1

  1. Learning About Someone's Life in their Language (Sarab Al Ani, Yale University)
  2. Developing a Digital Podcasting Platform for Effective Student Engagement and Learning (Angela Lee-Smith, Yale University)
  3. Video Letter Project: A Baby Step to become more global in Japanese (Mizuho Aussicker, Eastern Connecticut State University)

4:45-5:15 Presentation: Learning First, Technology Second: Designing Lessons for Authentic Engagement with The Triple E Framework (Mimi Melkonian, Brunswick School)

5:20-5:50 Presentation: Using the Hedera Web Application to Provide Comprehensible, Compelling Input (Ivy Livingston, Harvard University, Bill Barthelmy , Harvard University Information Technology)

5:50-6:45 Center for Language Study Wine and Cheese Reception

7:15 Dinner at the Barcelona Wine Bar (not included in conference registration fee; RSVP required)


Saturday, October 19

8:00-9:00 Registration & breakfast

8:30-9:00 Welcome:

NERALLT President: Jean Janecki

Administration Yale Representative:

9:00-10:15:  KEYNOTE: Language education and globalization: The evolving role of language centers

Nelleke Van Deusen-Scholl, Associate Dean of Yale College and Director of the Center for Language Study, Yale University.

10:30-11:00: Presentation: Project Start-up: Exploring Language and Culture through Global Entrepreneurship (Mary Beth Raycraft, Boston University)

11:10--11:40 Presentation:  Blended-Learning Model for Intermediate-Level Business Korean (Sun-Hee Lee, Jae Young Song, Wellesley College, Hee-Jeong Jeong, Lecturer, MIT)

11:45-12:45 Lunch/Business Meeting

1:00-1:30 networking

1:40-2:10: Presentation: Promoting Social Agency and Global Fluency Through Technology-Based Projects (Adriana Merino, Jovana Zujevic, Princeton University)

2:20-2:50: Presentation: Digital Curation and Collaboration – Pedagogical Strategies for Foreign Language Learning  (Jaya Kannan, Asha Kinney, Amherst College)

2:50-3:00 Break

3:00- 3:45 Lightning Round and Discussion 2

  1. A distance language training program for graduate students (David Ortega, Yale University)
  2. Scaffolding oral and written projects on wordpress, leading to a group project (Jabier Elorrieta, New York University)
  3. Turning Students' Work into Teaching Materials (Luluah Mustafa, Boston University)

4:00-5:00 Roundtable: Empowering Language Students: Technology for Assessment (Janice Willson, Peisong Xu, and Kristina Dini, Yale University)

Closing Remarks


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