Anna Iacovella, Program Coordinator


Senior Lector of Italian Language and Literature
Fellow, Timothy Dwight College
Yale University
New Haven, CT


Anna is an active member of ACTFL, NERALLT, NASFSA, AATI, CTCOLT, and CITA. She is a member of the Fulbright Student Program Committee at Yale University. She serves on committees for the creation and support of the AP Italian Language and Culture in collaboration with College Board.

She is seeking the role of Program Coordinator of NERALLT expressly because she is actively involved with the use and development of new teaching and learning methodologies using technology, particularly as it concerns languages, literatures and cultures. Anna believes it is important now more than in previous times to integrate new technologies into teaching languages, keeping up with the fast pace of changes in learning.

As Program Coordinator, Anna hopes to see NERALLT continue to offer effectively shared teaching methodologies among faculty and leaders, as well as to create opportunities for networking and technology-based teaching techniques. She specially appreciates NERALLT webinars and online mini-conferences, and would like to see them developed further.